Top 8 Easy Juice Recipes to Get You Started Juicing

Have you decided to learn new health concepts through juicing? Your first drink of the day should be an excellent and healthy juice. It can open up your taste buds and give your body all the needed nutrients to make the day ahead absolutely terrific.

Prepare yourself to taste 8 of the most fantastic juice recipes for entry levels. These recipes will only transfer you to a world of joy within you, whether you are introducing juicing into your routine freshly or planning to enrich your routine.

We will present beginner tips, tell you about the great product choices, and discuss the excellent health benefits of green juices. That’s how you solve problems and work your way out of illness.

Juicing Tips for Beginners

One way to live a healthier lifestyle is by juicing. Your goals may be to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, detoxify your body, or even have a pleasant daily treat. Juicing is a great way to get all you need, and you can take time away from it. 

Those who are just starting must follow some essential steps to ensure everything runs smoothly during juicing.

Picking Out Fresh Produce

How exactly should they answer the question? First, using the freshest and best-quality products for juicing means that the best ingredient in the recipe should contain the highest levels of nutrients. 

Fresh produce tastes good and has more significant amounts of nutrients.

Get organic if available. If you have the option, always go for organic produce to avoid the chemicals and pesticides.

Proper Storage

Fruits and vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. 

Store leafy greens properly 

To save time, pre-wash and slice your vegetables beforehand. 

Preparing Ingredients

Preparation is equally important as the juicing process for those who aspire to have the best results. To begin with, here are some of the tips:

Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Soak them in cold tap water, washing away dirt and harmful microbes. 

Get rid of objects that don’t belong. Scrape the skins and the harmful objects that are not good for you, such as the seeds or tough stems.

Chop into smaller pieces: To get the most out of your juicing, cut the fruit and vegetables into smaller, easily handled pieces that can fit properly into the juicer’s feeder chute.

With these tips, you will be much better off enjoying juicing. You can also try different fruits and vegetables and figure out which ones make the best flavours you like together.

Equipment You’ll Need

Easy Juice Recipes

Centrifugal Juicers

Centrifugal juicers are the cheapest and most accessible equipment that best suits the needs of novices. These are physical devices that break up a spinning blade to work. These gadgets can easily do their job without taking up much of your time, but the juice quality will not be as good as it would have been with the other types. 

Masticating (Slow) Juicers

Masticating juicers, alternately known as slow juicers, can be your other alternative where the spinning speed of a centrifugal juicer is cut. These are items that require you to squash and compress fruits and vegetables. Therefore, this means that the extracted juice from these items will be higher, and the nutrients in it will be preserved. 

Citrus Juicers

If you are a big fan of your drinks being obtained from fresh produce such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, then there is only one choice besides the citrus juicer. A mechanical action that will extract all of the liquid from the fruit is the primary goal of these appliances. 

Cold Press Juicers

These cold-pressed juicers, generally known as masticating or slow ones, do the entire process well. However, these juicers must be packed more tightly with ingredients to speed up the extraction process.

Our Top 8 Easy Juice Recipes.

Recipe 1: Green Goddess Juice

Green Goddess Juice

This lavish ambrosia has always been a favourite of most people. The first time I had this delicious treat was years ago, at a Caribbean hotel. 


  • 2 1/2 cups kale, roughly chopped
  • 2 cups spinach leaves
  • 2 golden, delicious apples, cored and cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1 cucumber, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1/2 lime, remove peel


1. Throw all fruit and vegetables into a juicer. Process everything.

2. Pour into a glass and garnish with a slice of lime.

Why you’ll love it:

Adopting this Green Goddess Juice as your daily ritual will, apart from being a starting point for a healthy lifestyle, indeed stimulate your digestion and supply you with the essential vitamins and minerals.

You should have this fresh juice every day to ensure the maximum benefits from the ingredients.

Recipe 2: Ginger Zinger Juice

Ginger Zinger Juice

Want to add an enthusiastic touch to your juicing habit? You are lucky that Ginger Zinger Juice is your choice. The beverage has a great selection of tastes and benefits; it will make you happy as it can vary your senses and invigorate your soul.


  • 2 medium-sized apples
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1-inch root of ginger
  • One peeled lemon


1. Clean and prepare all ingredients.

2. Take out the apples’ seeds and chop them into small pieces.

3. Cut the carrots into pieces.

4. Anoint the ginger while cutting into smaller pieces to remove the outer layer of the rind.

5. Take off the outer layer of the lemon with your hands.

6. Put all the things in a juicer and turn it on.

7. Get to juice and get the colourful magic into your cup.

8. Get your mix well together when you are serving it.

Why you’ll love it:

In contrast, ginger brings this juice to the table as a pain reliever and a meal companion. It also helps with fermentation. The concoction will sit nicely on other contents and keep it from spoiling. The apples will supplement sugar and fibre; carrots are a prominent source of beta-carotene and vitamins. Lemons have a sour taste and are also preventative because they have a high vitamin C intake.

Recipe 3: Tropi-Kale Juice

Tropi-Kale Juice

Are you seeking a calm, healthy beverage to kick off your day? Try Tropi-Kale Juice, a tropical green juice with a twist that guarantees maximum energy and satisfaction. 


  • 1 cup kale
  • ½ cup pineapple
  • ½ cup mango
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 lemon


1. Thoroughly wash all the ingredients on them.

2. Slice the leaves of kale, pieces of pineapple, pieces of mango, slices of cucumber, green apples, and a lemon.

3. Toss the ingredients into your juicer, starting with the kale leaves.

4. Juice all the ingredients, then blend them to make a healthy and yummy drink.

5. Make sure the juice runs smoothly by stirring it for all the flavours to melt together correctly.

6. If you like, pour it into a glass and immediately drink it!

Why you’ll love it:

Make sure you don’t need your Kuvings Elite to turn water, apples, and cabbages into extracts of life. So, be hydrated and offer the goodness of Mother Nature directly from your juicer to your body.

Recipe 4: Antioxidant Blast Juice

Antioxidant Blast Juice

Are you searching for a delicious juice fortified with lots of antioxidants? This Antioxidant Blast Juice recipe is the one for you to try! This juice of new and grandiose proportions brings you back to life while still staying compelling and refreshing. 


  • 1 cup of various berries (e.g., blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries)
  • 1 small beet, skinned and cut into pieces
  • 1 handful of spinach leaves
  • 1 orange, peeled and segmented
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 1 cup of coconut water


1. Put all the ingredients in a juicer and run until they mix well.

2. Correct the juice by mixing the fruits until all the flavours are evenly distributed.

3. If you like, serve it on ice to make it cold.

Why you’ll love it:

The antioxidant-blend juice, a bush-based product, has the dual functionality of being a refreshment you like and a natural product with many health benefits. Berries are examples of fruits that contain antioxidants, which make free radicals inert and, therefore, cells will not get damaged.

Recipe 5: Immune Booster Juice

Immune Booster Juice

Take your immune system to the next level by making this delicious, healthy, and friendly juice. Since vitamin C and other components are immune-strengthening, this incredible supplement will give you a fresh mind and the capacity to face the day.


  • 1 big orange, peeled and divided into segments
  • 1 cup chopped pineapple.
  • One medium-sized carrot, peeled and chopped
  • A one-inch piece of ginger, peeled
  • 1/2 lemon, peeled


Mix a fresh orange, pineapple, carrot, ginger, and lemon juice well.

Get a stick to use, and then stir the stick in the juice cup.

Why you’ll love it:

The pineapple is rich in phytonutrients.

Carrots are an excellent natural source of beta-carotene, a compound the body stirs while conversing. It is then worth vitamin B, an essential lipid cleanse supplement for the body’s immune system.

Further, in addition to adding a sufficient amount of lemon to the juice, ginger also has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it practical for treating numerous health problems, mainly flu.

Prove the importance of the immune system and the immunity clause with a delicious and nutritious immune booster juice!

Recipe 6: Not-So-Sour Apple Juice

Not-So-Sour Apple Juice

Indulge in a refreshing and zesty treat with this Not-So-Sour Apple Juice recipe, your next best option. A drink specialising in the sharpness of fresh apples is a pleasant way to start your morning or refresh your throat.


  • 3 sweet red apples.
  • 1 lemon.
  • 1 cucumber.


1. Put the apples in the bowl, remove their seeds, and leave the skin. Then, cut them into the shape of a thin slice. Remove the plantain skin and seeds.

2. You will start peeling and cleaning a plantain to remove the seeds.

3. The cucumber should be cleaned and cut into chunks.

4. Juice the apple slices, the lemon without skin, and the cucumber pieces in the juicer.

5. Make total juice by mixing all the ingredients and blending them well so the consistency is even.

6. Stir all the juice flavours with a soft touch to achieve the best taste.

7. Put the juice in the glass and cool it down by serving it cold.

Why you’ll love it:

This not-so-Sour apple juice perfectly combines sweetness and sourness. The energy comes from the apple’s natural sugars, which are a significant boost, while the lemon adds to the taste. 

Cucumber provides a new and refreshing touch to the drink and helps dehydrate the body. Are you going for a healthy morning wake-up drink or a rejuvenating nightcap? This apple juice is your saviour, giving your taste buds a tasty blast.

Recipe 7: Kale Kickstart Juice

Kale Kickstart Juice

Are you ready for a refreshing and healthy drink to start your day? The fresh kale and other complementary ingredients in Kale Kickstart Juice are the right choice for a natural vitamin and mineral boost. This juice provides a perfect way to mix leafy greens with your diet and experience all the proven health benefits that come with them.


  • 2 cups of fresh kale leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 1-inch piece of fresh ginger


1. First, rinse the kale leaves and remove any thick stalks.

2. Cut cucumber into small pieces.

3. The green apples should be cored and sliced.

4. The lemon and ginger are then to be peeled.

5. Combine the kale leaves, cucumber, green apples, lemon, and ginger in the juicer.

6. Now, put all the ingredients into the juicer, and it will churn them all to extract the liquid in a flowy way.

7. Transfer the juice to a glass and enjoy it immediately.

Why you’ll love it:

Kale Kickstart Juice is the name of the drink. Consuming this voluminous juice will gently push nutrients to concentrate your bodies. 

Recipe 8: Cucumber Cooler Juice

Cucumber Cooler Juice

Cucumber Cooler Juice is a really lovely and informal drink. It is combined with ice water for the refreshing and hydration benefits it gives our organism.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 lemon
  • a handful of fresh mint leaves


1. Remove the skin from the cucumber, green apple, and last lemon, and put them in the juicer.

2. Press the lemon into the juicer.

3. Within the juicer, in next to no time, combine the items: cucumber, green apple, and some fresh mint leaves.

4. Shake the dispenser thoroughly until the juice is homogeneously mixed.

5. Just pour the juice into the glass, where you can enjoy it with a slice of cucumber or a sprig of mint on the side.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Juice Recipes

What is the 80/20 rule for juicing?

The 80/20 rule of juicing states that 80% of the juice should be made from vegetables and 20% from fruits. This method prevents sugar consumption and increases nutrient utilisation.

How do you start juicing for beginners?

One step to starting juicing is purchasing easy-to-juice fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, and spinach. You should also acquire a reliable juicer and follow coherent recipes. Only after you get used to the process should you add more fruits and vegetables to your juice.

What is the best juice to start your day?

You can try green juice with strawberries for breakfast or enjoy a green smoothie with spinach, cucumber, a small apple, and blueberries instead.

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